
Editorial policy

Page history last edited by Ian Stock 15 years, 8 months ago

We warmly welcome submissions of items which share the philosophy of this wiki.

Our aim is to include as many submissions as possible, though we reserve the right to make editorial decisions regarding the suitability and presentation of included work. Our main reasons for this are to maintain the quality and clarity of material, and protect the remit of the wiki from 'slippage'.


We are happy to include items that may present alternative or even contradictory ideas so long as they fall within our basic frame of reference. Equally, format is left to the individual - even single photos with a caption are welcome - not all pieces need to be full, formal articles.


Please send items for submission via the contact email address, with photos as separate files. 80-100 kB is adequate for our purposes. We guarantee that no other use will be made by us of materials submitted to us. Authors of submitted items will be notified in either respect regarding their submission as soon as a decision is reached; our copies of anything received but not published on this wiki will be deleted.


All work published on this wiki will be clearly attributed to the author, both on the page concerned, and by addition of their name to the list of Additional Contributors on the 'About this Wiki' page. We cannot, however, guarantee copyright, as our aim is to make as much of this site as possible freely available to all. We have no difficulty with an author using material submitted here for publication elsewhere - but we ask that readers respect the rights of authors with regard to plagiarism. Please see our Creative Commons License on the front page.


Editorial decisions are made by group consensus, thereby minimising the individual preferences and prejudices of our contributors.

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